Sunday, September 9, 2012

Intriguing Classrooms and Books

Who wouldn't enjoy learning and reading enjoyable books in a classroom like this? According to the text, children showed more interest and a higher learning experience when classrooms were positive and encouraging environments. (Pressley, Allington, Wharton-Mcdonald, Block, and Morrow, 2011).  Adding original artwork and adding plenty of books will add a personal touch that will make any child excited to read.  How would you decorate an engaging classroom?
Along with an engaging classroom setting, it is also important to make available different types of reading material.  According to the text in Classrooms that Work, children will be more motivated to read both in the classroom and on their own time if they are introduced to a genre that interest them.  Whether a child forms an attachment to nonfiction, fantasy, mysteries, biographies, information books or something else, it is important that these connections can be formed in the classroom.  I was very intrigued by the idea put forth in the text about rotating crates.  The idea of new and different book being passed around classrooms in crates offers a very good solution to the lack of book money in the education system. What kind of books would you put in your rotating crate?


  1. You made so many wonderful points! I remember being so much more excited to learn if the classroom environment was interesting and applied to what we were learning. Different types of reading material is extremely important. I can recall being very disinterested in certain books that my teachers chose to read, which then affected my attitude in reading. In my rotating crate I would be sure to include articles, magazines, informational books, fantasy, adventure, and fairy tales!

  2. I agree with you completely about creating interesting and fun environments for the students to learn in. Personally, as a future educator, one of the things I look forward to most is decorating my classroom and adding my personal touches. I also loved the idea of rotating crates. This is a new idea to me and I think it's a great way to incorporate new books to children on a weekly basis. I remember being forced to read books that were of disinterest to me and I wish I was given new options more as a student.
